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Gimnasta Katelyn Ohashi tras su desnudo: Hizo falta mucho valor

La estadounidense posó para ESPN y luego contó cómo fue la experiencia.

Foto: Instagram Katelyn Ohashi Gimnasta Katelyn Ohashi tras su desnudo: Hizo falta mucho valor

La gimnasta estadounidense Katelyn Ohashi, conocida mundialmente por sus recurrentes rutinas con nota 10 en suelo durante los últimos meses, reveló detalles de la experiencia que le significó posar desnuda para la revista ESPN Body Issues.

De acuerdo a lo que contó la deportista de 1,47 metros al medio TMZ, le "hizo falta mucho valor" para la sesión, en la cual quiso transmitir que es bueno sentirse vulnerable.

"Trato de exponer mis defectos, luchas y dificultades", sostuvo a la publicación, donde además manifestó que "estoy orgullosa de mi cuerpo y de todas sus imperfecciones, eso es todo lo que tengo que decir".

Ohashi protagonizó una rutina perfecta en suelo en los campeonatos universitarios de su país, el cual tuvo más de 60 millones de visualizaciones en Youtube.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

“a line of dots following a pattern but one stands out, it’s clearly an outlier that’s direction needs to reroute. alienated and put to the side in order to not be seen, studied through a screen, thinking that maybe if we can match a name to it, we’ll all suddenly become immune like any vaccine. experiencing anything that isn’t explained or doesn’t belong to the majority will make you alone, and anyone who wants to stay “normal” will hide in order to not be shown. the outlying dots were marked on my skin, to remind me that being different is no longer sin. these marks are the reminders of everyone fighting around. the ones that are no longer seen because they were cast down. the ones that aren’t lost just never wanted to be found. and the ones that just needed someone else to make a sound. multiple mediums where too many negative energies can surface. as if not commenting the hurtful message would somehow be doing a disservice. each time my skin sheds away making more room to grow. not to make room for anyone else but to let my own true colors show. proud of who i am and what my body reveals, no longer am i concerned about who it appeals. too thin, too fat, but it’s not anyone else’s job to decide all that. having a voice loud enough blocks everyone else out, but when there’s that lingering doubt every compliment received will go unnoticed like a drought. amour de soi is the only natural form of self love. once that’s reached, nothing will rise above. we weren’t meant to have it all, but make the best out of what we have every single day. i’m proud of my body and all its imperfections, that’s all i have to say.” ~ katelyn ohashi. @espn #espnbodyissue2019 photographer: @danascruggs 😍

Una publicación compartida por katelyn ohashi (@katelyn_ohashi) el 4 de Sep de 2019 a las 10:09 PDT